GitHub Plugin for Pinegrow: Part 1

Posted on: April 3,2021

Namaste! So this tutorial is going to be a little different. I’m only going to give a brief outline of what I have done so far in putting together this GitHub plugin for Pinegrow, plus I’ll embed the YouTube live stream. As I outlined in my last post, I’m putting together a new plugin for […]

A new project for Pinegrow!

Posted on: March 20,2021

A new series on development for Pinegrow looking a plugin development from start to finish.

Caress the Divine Detail! (Part One)

Posted on: April 26,2017

Namaste! Note: There has been updates to the Divi theme that make some changes to the code. This tutorial was written about pre-Divi 3.0.45, but having said that, ET was careful to update in such a way that old code still maps nicely. That means that these tutorials are still germane (at least as of […]

Using Animista

Posted on: March 25,2017

Namaste! I have seen a couple of questions in the various Divi groups about using the animations that are shown on the animista web site. For those of you who don’t know, this site gives you an easy way to generate the styling for a variety of different animations. Basically, you give an animation type (like […]

Div transitions

Posted on: March 8,2017

Namaste! Well, luckily with animation, fantasy is your friend. Steven Spielberg This tutorial was once again inspired by a question from Facebook. Not on my prefered page (Divi Theme Tutorials), but I won’t hold it against them! The person was looking at Elegant Themes newly designed page and noticed that there was a CTA just […]

That Third Tab

Posted on: February 26,2017

Namaste!    I asked for tutorial ideas on the Facebook group and a person asked me to show a little more of what can be done with the “Custom CSS” tab that you see in the Divi Modules / Sections / Rows. This allows you to style your page in a number of ways. In […]

Forms a-poppin’!

Posted on: February 19,2017

Namaste! Today I’m going to show you a quick, bare-bones way to add a modal pop-over form to your Divi-powered site. This will allow you to grab user information without navigating away from the current page. In this case, the pop-over triggers when the user clicks a custom button. This tutorial will leave a lot of […]

Parallax with Divi

Posted on: August 27,2016

    Namaste! Over in one of the Facebook groups someone asked how they could duplicate this page with Divi. Basically, it is a parallax scrolling page where as you scroll the next background image rolls in. They combined this with a javascript library to fly some text boxes in from the side. Just for fun I […]

Laying Bricks with Masonry.js

Posted on: July 14,2016

Everything looks like a brick when all you have is a trowel and concrete. -no one, ever Presenting the final installment of using a masonry layout with the Divi theme from Elegant Themes. Note that this is an affiliate linkout. If you make a purchase through it I will get paid, but it costs you […]