Just Another Brick…

Posted on: July 11,2016

Love is like a brick. You can build a house, or you can sink a dead body. Lady Gaga So the fine people of Divi nation (more specifically, those who subscribe to the Divi Theme Tutorials Facebook page) have requested a tutorial on how to implement a masonry layout in Divi from Elegant Themes. This tutorial […]

No Emoji is strong enough!

Posted on: July 10,2016

I swear to God I can smell that with my eyes, that is not right, that is how bad your cooking smells. Namaste! Just a short post because the retching is interrupting my typing. We were up and down all last night with Mali feeling a lot of pain from surgery and needing comforting. Somewhere […]

No break for the wicked…

Posted on: July 7,2016

Namaste! Well, we took the dogs in for their yearly. I had noticed what I thought was a bug bite on Mali’s side and decide to ask the vet about it. She took a look and decided to do a quick needle aspirate on it. A few minutes later she came back with the news […]

Bloom Plugin for Divi and a Tale of Selectors

Posted on: July 4,2016

Today’s tutorial will be a little long-winded to give a simple intro to Parent:Child relationships and selectors. While it is written with Divi as an example, it applies generally to CSS on all types of pages. I’ve been spending a bit of time on Facebook lately looking through various groups dedicated to web design. I’m […]

RIP Gretchen

Posted on: June 21,2016

Namaste. Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends. Richard Bach One of the bad things about having animals in your life is that eventually they pass away. Although I don’t practice the organized religion […]

Bloody Hell!

Posted on: April 1,2016

“So why in the name of Voldemort’s saggy left —” So I took the day off from the “Job that shall not be mentioned” to put together a few more portfolio pieces that will hopefully lead to me getting additional freelance work. I’ve started using a new (to me) tool called Divi. Please note that […]


So it has been a few days since the last posting so I thought I would share a small story I found humorous this morning. Gretchen the cat has always been a fussy eater. You would think that an animal that was feral for a portion of her youth would be willing to eat any […]