Come On Spring!
This time of the year is the toughest for me. All of the preparation for the upcoming growing year is going on, but it all takes place inside. Starting seeds, waiting for them to germinate, transplanting. The ground is still too frozen to work here. A mid-March snowstorm dumped two feet of snow on us. After a winter of unusually mild temperatures, March has turned into a lion.
Our garlic and shallots were peeking out in February, so we partially uncovered them, only to have to cover them once again. We are hoping they make it through this cold snap. Overall, I’m just antsy for the new season to start in full swing. I can’t wait for it to be warm enough to work the soil, start delivering compost to the beds, and start getting new early plants into the cold frame and hoop tunnels!
This year, I need to raise and extend the wall of the garlic bed that allows us to have a level patch on the hillside to our house. I also have to finish up the project of re-painting all of the garden fences that I started last year. I wish I had one more outbuilding that I could heat slightly in the winter to complete these types of staining chores. We had big plans to put wire panels in around the upper three-sister’s garden, but the horse trailer isn’t on the road so I don’t have an easy way to get the home.
Come on Spring, I have cabin fever bad!!!