Come On Spring!

Posted on: March 23,2017

Namaste! This time of the year is the toughest for me. All of the preparation for the upcoming growing year is going on, but it all takes place inside. Starting seeds, waiting for them to germinate, transplanting. The ground is still too frozen to work here. A mid-March snowstorm dumped two feet of snow on us. […]

Gardening season 2017 on Spring Hill Farm has finally started!

Posted on: February 12,2017

I started vegetable gardening in 2004 when we moved to Spring HIll Farm and every year I am expanding my garden as well as the variety of vegetables I grow. Now, I wished I had kept better records early on, but it is never too late to start!  In the beginning I used mostly the 6- […]

Spring has sprung, but…

Posted on: March 19,2016

The crocus are in full bloom and the daffodils have shown their green face, but they are predicting a nor’easter for this weekend. For those of you that don’t know what a nor’easter is (from Wikipedia): A nor’easter (also northeaster; see below) is a macro-scale cyclone occurring along the upper East Coast of the United […]

Gardening Zones From the USDA

Posted on: March 16,2016

Namaste! Sabine pointed out to me that giving everyone a link to the USDA site would be handy – and she was right! Once you navigate there look for the “Enter ZIP code:” box at the upper left.

Welcome to the Garden!

Posted on: March 15,2016

Namaste! Our site is still dormant from the winter, but it is sure to have green shoots of wisdom pushing up toward the sun soon.  We plan on having an “Ask the Gardener” section, as well as a lot of helpful hints about things like identifying invasive species. In the meantime, sign up in the […]